Sunday, December 06, 2020

Waiting - Advent Day 8 - Week 2

We made it a full week! Woot.  :)

Waiting is one of my least favorite topics. So I am expecting big things from God this week.

1 Samuel 1:14-16
...and said to her, "How long will you keep on getting drunk? Get rid of your wine." "Not so, my lord," Hannah replied, "I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the LORD . Do not take your servant for a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief."

Have you been there? Have you ever prayed to God out of great anguish and grief? Have you ever prayed to such a state that people thought something was physically wrong with you?
There are times in our lives when the circumstances seem to be too much for us. We can need something so badly that it physically hurts. We can be so disappointed that we ache. In those times, is it ok to pour that grief and pain out to someone? You bet! Hannah certainly did. And God answered her. Did it come right away? Nope. Did it work out exactly like she might have originally planned? Also, no. 

Did God use this women's faith to bless an entire nation? You bet! Read all about it in 1 and 2 Samuel!!!

One of the biggest unintentional slaps in the face you can give to a waiting person is to say the following, or something like it, "you just have to content yourself in _______ and God will provide (insert whatever you are waiting on." Or my personal favorite, "just stop looking and there he/she will be."

Newsflash my friends. God is not a magical genie up in Heaven. He is not waiting on you to get some life or prayer formula just right before He provides your need.  If there was a formula, I promise you that single-Gina would have FOUND THAT BAD BOY.  :)

So I don't have a secret for you. I do have trust that He who has promised to you... is faithful.  As we discussed yesterday, sometimes you need to go back to your Red Sea and remind yourself of His faithfulness.  Don't have yours yet? I have some that I would be happy to share.  Ask me how I met my Al. Ask me how I lost two children... and gained two sons. 

He is faithful! You can take that to the bank.

For my waiting friends, tonight I pray for a sense of encouragement to surround them. For my rejoicing friends, I pray that they are surrounded with those who long to rejoice with them (tell me... I promise joy). For my grieving friends, I pray the peace that passes any understanding.  And for my hurting friends, I pray health and healing.

So much love for you tonight,