Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Chatty Cathy er... GinaBob

Well I'm on a roll so I am just going to keep going. :)
One of the things I am thinking about tonight is the grace of God.
I'm listening to a song from the 70s that is just incredible.
It's called Through It All. (lyrics) http://home.comcast.net/~cabernethy/Lyrics/ThroughItAll2.htm

I think songs like these speak to us all because we have all been through difficulties. There have definitely been times when I have doubted God's provision, sometimes even doubted His presence. But each time I come through I realize that He has been providing and He is there.

I think that is what strikes me about grace. No matter how faithless I have been He would never leave me. And if there is one thing that I think He wants to make sure I "get" out of this time in my life, it would be that I am not alone. I can run. But I cannot hide from the grace of God. You gotta trust me on this (well I don't suppose you HAVE to) but I know about this one a little bit! It's an overwhelming thought really. I have to admit that it is well beyond my grasp tonight.
I keep trying to write something after that thought but it won't quite come out right.
For tonight, this sleepy girl is going to bed, wrapped in the warm reminder that His grace is sufficient for all my needs.

Praise to my Father among whose matchless names is Faithful!